Sally Gearhart We have been made invisible because the word might get out that women can love each other and the word might get out that men can love each other.
Donald Hackett I decided that this is what I had to do because in fighting it, you're just going against yourself. It's a headbuster.
Roger Harkenrider I feel a responsibility to the other weird people of the world to be a representative, intelligent weird person.
Linda Marco I was the American dream daughter— cheerleader, Prom queen, straight A student... I was miserable.
Betty Powell The reality was you love another woman and the world calls that 'lesbian' and the world doesn't like lesbians.
Mark Pinney In terms of coverage, who wants to see Mr. Middle of the Road, but nevertheless we are there, and we're damn important.
Pat Bond There were court-martial trials, and your friends were testifying against you, that yes, they had seen you necking with a woman.